(out of 8)
Breakwater Yacht Club Summer Series
Breakwater Yacht Club | Sag Harbor, NY |
Aug 03, 2022 |
Stark Raving Mad X (J/100)
1st (out of 8)
In Class
Three 1sts in three races on the J100 in this summer series raced out of Sag Harbor, NY. Apparently, this shook up the regular racing group as there's another J/100 that competes in the series and does not do so well. Here's the commentary from the RC: Dear Breakwater Sailors and Friends,
Welcome to the 2022 Wednesday Night Summer Race Series. Please find attached below the race results from Wednesday night (8/3). First please enjoy some great post race commentary from Breakwater RC Gordon Ryan.
The continuing heatwave brought out one of the largest racing fleets so far this season – 16 yachts.
The southeasterly, logged in at 170 degrees at 7 knots, allowed RC to establish a long-legged windward/leeward course up and down Shelter Island Sound. The tide was on the ebb, a factor that became important to a few yachts later in the evening.
Considering the light wind, there were a surprising amount of recalls, protests, yelling, and collisions.
The first two races for all divisions were B/L/finish, with the gate open. Divisions I and II, with 9 yachts, started first. The final race for all was B/Breakwater.
Spectator boats out were Daybreak, May, the Sag Harbor 22, Picolo, and that no name Formula 23 from Three Mile.
Haze and Bellatrix were over early at the first race and recalled. Gossip was first to the leeward mark chased by Stark Raving Mad, and Obsidian, all rounding in a tight cluster. They finished in that order at 6:22, race time 17 minutes, with Gossip ahead of Stark Raving Mad by 3 seconds. Big Boat was fourth, just 4 seconds ahead of Cleo. Holiday was next, 6 seconds ahead of Osprey. Haze and Bellatrix followed, feeling the effects of their recall.
Division IV fielded 7 yachts and was off at 6:10. Slightly Odd and Glide were recalled and returned. BYC 39 was first in, at 6:27, race time also 17 minutes. Godzilla, #1372, was second, 7 seconds ahead of Slightly Odd.
Bellatrix and Obsidian were over early at the second race. Both returned. Bellatrix rounded the pin, Obsidian the RC boats. Stark Raving Mad was first to the leeward mark, chased by Haze, Gossip, and Cleo. They finished in that order, at 6:56, race time 16 minutes, with Stark Raving Mad first by 38 seconds. Cleo finished 6 seconds ahead of Holiday. Big Boat crossed 18 seconds later, just ahead of Osprey, who buzzed the RC boat as she crossed. Obsidian and Bellatrix were next. Bellatrix protested Zephyr and withdrew from further racing, “I’ve had enough collisions!”
Division IV’s second race was off at 6:45. Zephyr and Glide were over early, recalled, and returned. Slightly Odd was first this time, race time 17 minutes. BYC 39 was second, 10 seconds back. Godzilla crossed third, 5 seconds later.
The last race, to the harbor, was underway for Division I at 7:15. This start was a war zone with extremely close action and the yachts inches apart, but no contact was noted. Holiday and Obsidian were recalled and returned.
Big Boat radioed in at 7:40 that she was hard aground at the N12 shoal. The tide was falling and she obviously needed a couple of strong jerks, so RC dispatched the crew of the pin boat to assist. Their salvage was successful. Big Boat withdrew. Osprey also found the bottom over by North Haven, but quickly got herself off and finished.
Gossip was first to the breakwater, at 7:49, race time 34 minutes. Stark Raving Mad was second, 9 seconds later. Cleo was third in, 1 second ahead of Haze.
Division IV’s final race, had a chaotic start, including an impact collision next to the RC boats. BYC 39 and Godzilla were recalled. BYC 39 did not return and was disqualified. Slight Odd won this race, at 7:56, race time 36 minutes. Sail number 195 grabbed second place (BYC 39 being disqualified), Godzilla crossed next but informed RC she was retiring after finishing, having been in the collision at the start. Zephyr thus was third, then Hoompa and Glide, who protested Hoompa for reasons unknown to RC.
(out of 9)
Breakwater Yacht Club Summer Series
Breakwater Yacht Club | Sag Harbor, NY |
Aug 04, 2021 |
Stark Raving Mad X (J/100)
1st (out of 9)
In Class
1st, 1st and 1st across three races held in Major's Cove (off of Shelter Island / Sag Harbor, NY). Three windward / leeward races in breezy conditions. First races for the J/100.
Race 1 (21 of the series) results: https://yachtscoring.com/event_results_detail.cfm?Race_Number=21&eID=14327
Race 2 (22 of the series) results: https://yachtscoring.com/event_results_detail.cfm?Race_Number=22&eID=14327
Race 3 (23 of the series) results: https://yachtscoring.com/event_results_detail.cfm?Race_Number=23&eID=14327
(out of 8)
Breakwater Yacht Club Summer Series
Breakwater Yacht Club | Sag Harbor, NY |
Jul 31, 2019 |
SRM VIII (C&C 30OD) (C&C 30 OD)
3rd (out of 8)
In Class
Beer Can Race on Wed, Jul 31, 2019.
Almost T-Boned at the start by a port tacker - caused us to start late
2.5x around W/L then fetch to finish at the Breakwater. Code 0 was very helpful to end up with a reasonable result